Microbial fermentation is the process of using microorganisms, under suitable conditions, to transform raw materials into feed, fertilizer, and other products through specific metabolic pathways. The level of microbial fermentation production depends mainly on the genetic characteristics of the strain itself and the culture conditions.

Lifeasible offers a diverse range of feed and fertilizer fermentation services to our customers. We use microorganisms and complex enzymes as strains of bio-feed and fertilizer fermenters to convert feed and fertilizer raw materials into microbial bacteriological proteins, bioactive small peptide amino acids, microbial active probiotics, and complex enzyme preparations as an integrated bio-fermented feed and fertilizer. This can not only make up for the lack of amino acids in conventional feed and fertilizer but also make other rough feed and fertilizer raw materials quickly transformed into nutritional components to enhance the effect of absorption and utilization by farm animals and plants.
We provide a variety of microbial fermentation services
Our advantages
- Fermentation and detoxification. In most cases, the metabolites of microorganisms can reduce the content of toxins in feeds. For example, yeast fermentation can effectively degrade Aspergillus flavus B1, etc., and Aspergillus can effectively reduce the free cotton phenol content in fermented cottonseed meals.
- Change the nutritional quality. Microorganisms can break down large molecules of plant or animal proteins to produce active peptides, and oligopeptides, and to obtain better quality microbial proteins. Microorganisms can convert part of sugar, semi-fiber, fiber, and fat into protein, release free phosphorus, improve the palatability of feed, improve the nutritional quality of feed, and facilitate digestion, absorption, and deposition of livestock and poultry.
- Produce growth-promoting factors. Different strains of fermented feeds produce different growth-promoting factors, which are mainly organic acids, digestive enzymes, B vitamins, antibacterial peptides, and unknown growth factors.
Application scope
- Ruminant production. Lactating cows fed fermented feed, the average daily standard milk production increased. Meat sheep feeding fermented apple pomace feed, the meat sheep's weight gain rate increased, and disease resistance increased.
- Pig production. Feeding liquid fermented feed to piglets increased the number of lactic acid bacteria in the intestinal tract. After feeding fermented feed, the free phosphorus of basic diet is increased compared with that before fermentation, the number of E. coli in pig intestine is decreased, the number of dominant lactic acid bacteria group is increased, and the feed cost is reduced.
- Poultry production. The appropriate addition of fermented feed to broiler diets not only reduces feed costs but also improves meat quality, providing an effective way to produce green broiler products. Feeding meat ducks with fermented feed, palatability improved, meat ratio reduced, slaughter performance improved, and feed cost was reduced.
- Aquaculture. Grouper with the appropriate amount of fermented soybean meal to replace fish meal in the feed, grouper weight gain rate is not affected. Adding a fermented feed to fish bait, the saving of concentrate is considerable and has great economic value to save food for fish farming.
The feed industry is gradually moving towards low drug, low residue, and no antibiotics and the microbial fermented feed application technology service provided by Lifeasible is one of the effective ways to reduce and replace the application of antibiotics. You can always contact us for information about microbial fermentation.
Not For Human Consumption!