Bacillus licheniformis Gene Editing

Bacillus licheniformis is a Gram-positive thermophilic bacterium commonly found in soil. It can exist in spore form and is thus resistant to harsh environments. It is an industrial microorganism with a wide range of uses in feed and fertilizer. The use of Bacillus licheniformis as a feed additive can regulate the intestinal micro ecological balance of livestock, improve immunity, promote animal growth and have a beneficial effect on livestock. Besides, it is also the main producer of enzyme preparations, with excellent secretion ability and simple and safe fermentation conditions.

The main biotechnological applications of Bacillus licheniformisFigure 1. The main biotechnological applications of Bacillus licheniformis. (Andrea, M., et al., 2021)

Bacillus licheniformis is an important strain for microbial genome modification for feed and fertilizer production. Lifeasible is now offering Bacillus licheniformis genome editing services to meet customer needs for superior production strains. We can perform a variety of genetic improvement techniques including gene knockout, knock-in, or point mutation.

Customized Bacillus licheniformis genome improvement services we can provide

  • Strains that are highly tolerant of adversity
  • Fast-growing strains
  • Strain with high fermentation broth biomass
  • Strains with bacterial inhibition activity
  • Biosafe strains with high acetyl methyl carbinol production
  • Strains with high esterase production

Technical methods we offer

We provide a genome editing system for Bacillus licheniformis based on the CRISPR-Cas9 system, including key steps such as sgRNA locus design, construction of knockout plasmids, screening of stable knockout specific gene strains, and growth and activity testing of recombinant bacteria.

  • We integrated all the components required for this system, strong promoter-mediated sgRNA, homologous repair sequence, and nucleic acid endonuclease Cas9, into the same recombinant plasmid.
  • Upon transformation of the recombinant plasmid into Bacillus licheniformis cells, the sgRNA recognizes specific regions on the genome and directs the Cas9 protein to bind to the target site. In the presence of this protein, the target site at A double-stranded break is formed at the target site (resulting in the death of the majority of cells).
  • The homologous repair sequence introduced with the recombinant plasmid is integrated into the gap by the double exchange in the presence of recombinase, and cells with successful homologous repair survive and develop artificially designed genotypes such as gene inactivation and exogenous gene insertion.

In this process, we use an inducible promoter from Bacillus licheniformis to regulate the expression of the nuclease Cas9 gene, which greatly enhances the success rate of gene editing.

Advantages of our services

  • The modified Bacillus licheniformis strains are safe and have high live counts when used as bacteriophages, feed and fertilizer additives, or premixes.
  • It can improve animal performance, improve immunity or disease resistance, reduce animal mortality, and reduce the diarrhea rate.
  • It can improve the growth performance of animals, enhance the immunity of the body, and maintain or regulate the balance of intestinal flora.
  • It can partially replace antibiotics, eliminate drug residues, and improve the quality of livestock products.

Bacillus licheniformis modified by Lifeasible gene editing as a feed additive has the advantages of being green and safe, with no residue. It meets customers' expectations of the probiotic use effect and has great application potential. You can choose single bacteria or compound bacteria when you use it, and play the synergistic effect of Bacillus licheniformis and other beneficial bacteria. If you have any questions about Bacillus licheniformis genetic improvement services for feed and fertilizer applications, please feel free to contact us.


  1. Andrea, M., et al. (2021). "Biotechnological applications of Bacillus licheniformis". Critical Reviews in Biotechnology, 41:4, 609-627.
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