Crude Ash Testing in Biofertilizers and Feeds

Crude ash is the residue left after complete oxidation of all organic matter in a high-temperature furnace for feed or fertilizer. Crude ash includes water-soluble and water-insoluble ash, acid-soluble and acid-insoluble ash. Crude ash is usually formed in feed and fertilizer processing. Therefore, crude ash is also one of the main indicators to evaluate the quality of feed and fertilizer and to identify the quality of feed and fertilizer.

Crude ash testing in biofertilizers and feeds

To help our customers to evaluate the quality of their products and to identify their authenticity, Lifeasible offers the service of testing crude ash in feed and fertilizers. We use the modified method that avoids the incomplete reaction of organic substances into inorganic substances, which leads to significant errors in the calculation of crude ash content. It has the advantages of accuracy, efficiency, practicality, and simplicity as it can reduce the test time while ensuring accurate and precise test results.

Direct ashing method

Advantages This method has a wide range of applications and is suitable for the initial determination of samples.

Steps We steam dry the sample after weighing it, then fully carbonize it, sear the treated sample in a high-temperature furnace to constant weight, and finally weigh and calculate the content of crude ash in the sample.
For the detection of ash in feed and fertilizer samples with high phosphorus content, we also use the ashing method with an ashing agent.

Near-infrared spectroscopy

Advantages This method is simple, low cost, fast and efficient, and has good reproducibility.
  • Sample collection and chemical value determination
    We crushed the sample to make a sample and then accurately determined the crude ash content according to the conventional chemical method to obtain its chemical value as a reference value.
  • Determination of experimental parameters, collection of spectra
    After determining the parameters of sample loading thickness, selection of sample granularity, and the number of instrument scans, the samples were collected for NIR spectra. After combining the spectra with chemometric methods, an analytical model is established.
  • Model validation and optimization
    A comparison of the predicted and chemical values of the validated samples and external validation is performed to ensure the accuracy and stability of the model.
  • Model application
    Evaluate established rapid analytical models for NIR spectroscopy of crude ash in samples to form NIR spectroscopy detection methods for crude ash in feed and fertilizers.

By establishing the calibration equations, we can quantitatively estimate many types of biofertilizer and organic feed samples. The samples do not need to be pretreated with destructive chemical reagents before testing, and the content of crude ash components in the samples can be measured in a short time. We can obtain high analytical accuracy results by controlling the effects of calibration sample collection, processing, chemical analysis, equation selection, and instrument stability.

Testable range

  • Chicken feed, goose feed
  • Feeds and biofertilizers mixed with soybean meal, bran, bagasse
  • Feeds and biofertilizers mixed with corn and fishmeal
  • Silage

Crude ash content is one of the important indicators to measure the quality of feed and fertilizer products and raw materials. It is also one of the indicators that must be measured to assess their quality and to identify whether they are adulterated or not. Lifeasible provides testing services for crude ash in feed and fertilizer, which are useful for guiding the processing of feed and fertilizer raw materials and products. Please contact our staff to send samples or for more information.

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